Dengan teknik ini, anda dapat memblok semua file script dan executable dalam suatu drive, sehingga tidak ada kemungkinan salah menjalankan program / script yang menyamar seperti file data. Contohnya saat anda mencolokan flashdisk bervirus menjadi drive e, dan drive tersebut telah diblok script dan executablenya sebelumnya, maka sekalipun anda klik berulang kali file virus tersebut, tetap saja file virus tersebut tidak dapat dijalankan dan pesan yang muncul seperti gambar berikut ini :
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Select Administrative Tools
3. Select the Local Security Policy
4. Then select the Software Restriction Policies, right-click on select Create New Policies
5. So will some new object in the right side.
6. Select the Additional Rules, right-click and
7. Select New Path Rules, such as the following picture:
8. Enter the address you want to drive all the scripts and blocked executablenya, for example, e: \, such as the following picture:
For the Security Level, if you select Unrestricted means the block and open all the files on the drive can be run, but if they are all executable files and scripts can not run, only data files such as doc, xls, jpg and others that can be done in normal.
next Apply and OK.
In my Labtop, all the drive to bring data and blocked, only the windows system and CD roms which is left open, even my My Documents folder is blocked so that if a file into a virus that there will not be able to run, unless the block is first opened , Either by changing the properties into the path blockade with Unrestricted or delete from the system is the Local Security. Then images such as the following:
So hopefully this tutorial useful. If we use the technique widely this will turn many of spreading the virus executable and script (*. vbs, *. js, *. paddle; *. hta; *. wsf etc.), but not close the possibility of the spread of macro viruses and html, because the data files such as word document and html can still work.
By ;
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